Sunday 18 September 2011

Raina on elocution

Raina is exasperating, she is continually saying 'li'le' instead of 'little', 'jus' instead of 'just'. So, fed up with continually correcting her, I said...

Me, "Raina, stop dropping your 'T's', I am gong to loose my temper if you do it again"
Raina, (without missing a beat) "The angel of darkness makes me do it" - Raina aged 9yrs

(Note from the author; She left me speachless, didn't falter in her response, she's open to evil suggestions and lied without remorse. So I'm thinking she'll make a great politician?)

Mystic Meera returns

We had just had lunch, the older girls were at school , Raina was alsleep in her cot. All was right with the world, when....

Meera said, "When I was a brown lady, with scars on my face, I had five babies"
Me, "Oh, wow (trying to process and give the right response) and what makes you say that sweetie"
Meera, "Well, babies don't come from your bellybutton you know, babies come from between your legs and thats when I died having my fifth baby" - Meera aged 4yrs

(Note from the author; Proof of reincarnation? or wild imaginings? lets hope its wild imaginings, cos it gives me goosebumps up and down my spine and a nasty dose of the hebegebes.)

Saturday 17 September 2011

Mystic Meera

Meera took hold of my hands one day and looked lovingly up into my eyes....

Meera, "I'm glad I chose you as my mummy"
Me, "Why darling, what do you mean"
Meera, "When I was called Daniel and I lived in the sky. I looked down from the clouds and I chose you to be my mummy".
As she looked at my astonished face, we both watched the goosebumps appear on my arms.....

- Meera aged 3yrs old

Raina and Grandad Gee

A few years after the Sophie comment, the dust had settled and we were now allowed back into the Grandparents house. Raina said........

"So.... when are you gonna having this baby then?" - Raina aged 4yrs old

Sophie and Grandad Gee

On meeting Grandad Gee for the first time, Sophie said.......

"Hello....(stares for a few moment and then)....Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl yet?" - Sophie aged 4yrs old

Sophie on nudity

Setting the scene - heavily pregnant on the loo after a shower as my 7 year old bursts in.

Sophie, "Mummy, you are amazing, you are fantastic, let me look at you, wow I didn't even know it was possible.......I'm going to tell ALL my friends at school!"
Me, (feeling quite proud, if a little nude,) "Thank you and what are you going to tell them?"
Sophie, "your bum covers the WHOLE of the toilet seat.

- Sophie aged 7yrs old

(Note from the author; may the ground open and swallow me up)

Sophie on gardening

Sophie, whom I class as quite intelligent and a bit of a philosophical thinker, pondered one day,

"If I were a tulip........what would I say?"
- Sophie 12yrs old

(Note from author: Funnily enough I have no answer for her, just, why sophie? why!?)

Chloe on beauty

 As my red headed daughter looked deep into my eyes, a tear welled up as she said,

"Mummy. You are the most beautiful, gorgeous mummy in the whole entire world..."
She stopped a momment to peruse all of me, and I waited for the next expression of her love,
"Well.... (she thought hard) .....Your HEAD is" -Chloe, 7yrs old

(Note from the author; just hit me with a cricket bat the next time, it'll be less painfull)

Meera on dessert

Meera: "I'll have a banana split please."
(20 minutes later the dessert arrives...)
Meera: "Oh no. This can't be mine!"
Me: "But this is what you ordered!?"
Meera: "But it's got banana in it! I hate banana."
Me: "Well, what part of banana split didn't you understand?"
Meera: (thinks for a moment) " ......the banana bit"

- Meera, @8yrs old

Raina on pregnancy

"I'd never want to get pregant. 'Cos after you have the baby, they staple your vagina up and your body fills up with wee until you sick it all up."
- Raina, 8yrs old

(Note from the author; Well that's a nasty dose of playground rumour if ever I heard it!)