Stuff Meera's Said

All the weird and wonderful stuff my second youngest daughter comes out with...
  • We had just had lunch, the older girls were at school , Raina was alsleep in her cot. All was right with the world, when....
    Meera said, "When I was a brown lady, with scars on my face, I had five babies"
    Me, "Oh, wow (trying to process and give the right response) and what makes you say that sweetie"
    Meera, "Well, babies don't come from your bellybutton you know, babies come from between your legs and thats when I died having my fifth baby" - Meera aged 4yrs

    (Note from the author; Proof of reincarnation? or wild imaginings? lets hope its wild imaginings, cos it gives me goosebumps up and down my spine and a nasty dose of the hebegebes.)
  • Meera: "I'll have a banana split please."
    (20 minutes later the dessert arrives...)
    "Oh no. This can't be mine!"
    Me: "But this is what you ordered!?"
    Meera: "But it's got banana in it!"
    Me: "Well, what part of banana split didn't you understand?"
    Meera: "...the banana bit"

    - Meera, @8yrs old